The founders of Anti-Body, LLC (anti-poverty, beautiful body) embarked on a mission to create a consumer product that would benefit both the customer and the individuals from developing countries who produce their ingredients. After extensive research about the most natural and beneficial ingredients, they formulated their body-care line to include fair trade ingredients (most certified through Trans Fair USA!).
As founders of Fair Trade the White House, Anti-Body is very proud to have support of the many fair trade organizations, retailers, distributors, vendors and individuals and honored to have the collaboration of a strong Steering Committee to give this campaign momentum and increase fair trade awareness in America.
Get Caught! Follow their blog, become a fan on Facebook, and get a discount through FTWH!
Anti-Body is a proud member of Green America
Anti-Body is a proud member of Green America
Anti-Body is proud to support fair trade and increasing its awareness in America. We also feel honored to have an administration where the possibility of something like this is possible.